1st sem
2nd sem
3rd sem
BICTE Old-Questions
View Syllabus:
1st sem
2nd sem
3rd sem
4th sem
5th sem
6th sem
7th sem
8th sem
View Notes:
5th sem Notes
6th sem Notes
First Semester
Second Semester
Third Semester
Learning Psychology [Ed. 432]
Data Structure and Algorithm [ICT Ed. 435]
Computer Architecture and Organization [ICT Ed. 439]
Web Technology [ICT Ed. 437]
Probability and Statistics [Math Ed. 436]
Fourth Semester
Fundamentals of Curriculum [Ed. 451]
Operating System [ICT Ed. 445]
Database Management System [ICT Ed. 446]
System Analysis and Design [Ed. 447]
Numerical Analysis [Math Ed. 455]
Leadership and Management [Ed. 442]
Fifth Semester
Assessment and Evaluation in Education [Ed. 452]
Java Programming Language [ICT Ed. 455]
Data Communication and Networks [ICT Ed. 456]
Software Engineering and Project Management [ICT Ed. 457]
Discrete Mathematics [Math Ed. 456]
Sixth Semester
Seventh Semester
Eight Semester